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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Christmas Cinema

Everyone has a favorite Christmas movie. Mine is “A Christmas Story”. You know the one about Ralphie and his quest for an authentic “Red Ryder 200 shot carbine action BB gun”, as he so precisely describes it. I identify so closely with everything about this movie that...

ACA Preventive Care Links

We have had many conversations since November 1 helping individuals compare health insurance plans as part of the annual Open Enrollment period. Questions have come up particularly about how routine services are covered.   Benefits can vary somewhat from carrier to...

Year End / New Year

Many of us are not part of the Medicare open enrollment or the Affordable Care Act individual open enrollment. This does not mean that we do not have year-end considerations of our own. First, if we are participants in a Flexible Spending Account we have money that we...

Tick Tock

Websites are freezing at both the insurance carriers and at the federal Marketplace as time is drawing near for the end of the 2016 health insurance open enrollment period.  Phone lines to both sets of providers are busy and disconnects after interminable holds are...

Giving Thanks

Many of us give thanks throughout the year for good health, good friends, good looks and good luck.  But once a year we give thanks with a big “T” and that is coming up this week. We, at CDA Inc. give special thanks for our clients who bless us with their trust as we...

Holiday Self Control

The holiday season is coming into full swing. We have warmed up our “sweet teeth” with Halloween candy, we are warming up our taste buds for our Thanksgiving feast and we are preparing our tummies for all the treats we associate with the time between Thanksgiving and...

Over 65 and Still Working?

Should you do something about your health insurance? It depends on a few factors. First, are you employed by a company that has 20 or more employees? If you are offered group insurance that you like you are not required to enroll in Medicare because your employer’s...

Should I Apply For Subsidy?

Many individuals will qualify for financial help with their health insurance premiums, but here are some considerations. First, go to www.healthcare.gov to be sure that the modified adjusted gross income for your whole taxable family unit falls within the income...

Marketplace Update

Now that we are in our third year of the Affordable Care Act many of us have prepared ourselves for the ongoing nightmare of working with our clients to qualify for Marketplace subsidies. The last two years have been marked with website crashes when we tried to enroll...


The last quarter of each year is the busiest time in our industry and in my life. Open enrollments for two blocks of clients and renewals for several dozen groups keep us at our desks for long hours. It is easy to stress eat, not drink enough water and generally not...