by CDA Inc | Oct 15, 2015 | Risk Management
In a few short weeks our annual candy holiday will hit again. Our house has already gone through several bags of Halloween sweets as we prepare to share what is left with the costumed children who will come to our door. I guess my husband is checking for poison,...
by CDA Inc | Oct 13, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Each day thousands of us turn 65 and we need to address this choice. So how do we choose and what criteria do we need to consider in making this choice? Fundamentally, we compare apples and oranges when we face this decision. Remember, Medicare Advantage plans are the...
by CDA Inc | Oct 9, 2015 | Individual
I remember it like it was yesterday. You’re eight years old in 1960, living in East Hartford, Connecticut, and Halloween is only a few days away. No time for misstep now, on the threshold of this, the second most important holiday (next to Christmas) of the kid year....
by CDA Inc | Oct 9, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
In our agency dealings we come across a lot of “gotchas” in many parts of the employee benefits picture. Whether our clients are individually enrolled or are part of employer based plans the surprises are very similar. Here are the latest unpleasant surprises we have...
by CDA Inc | Oct 6, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
What does this mean relative to our health insurance and other benefits? We should not postpone any treatment because we don’t think we will meet our deductible for the year. Most health insurance plans credit claims that go toward deductibles in the last quarter of...