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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Prescription Review

The start of the Medicare Open Enrollment period is a scant two weeks away, so it is time for us to line up our pill bottles and prepare for our annual prescription review. Open enrollment for those of us under age 65 is a scant month away. Each year prescription...

I Never Go To The Doctor!

Last week we discussed how to select a health insurance plan if we are regular users of health care services. This week we will address the rest of us who barely visit health care providers and who are trying to control our premium dollars without taking excessive...

I’ll Do It Later (not)

Ask my lovely wife if I’m a procrastinator and she’ll answer without hesitation, “Of course. He’s a big fat one!” She’s been asking me to fix a frozen faucet in one of our bathrooms for over a year. She took over the family bill paying because the late fees got out of...


Open enrollment: our annual pilgrimage into our personal healthcare analysis. Whether under age 65 or over this is a time that we should all review our recent medical care usage and forecast upcoming expenses as best we can. Many of us have options between high...

Plan Decisions

Very soon many of us will face open enrollment for our health insurance benefits. Plan decisions need to be taken seriously as we risk not only dollars we pay into premiums, but also dollars we pay as our share of the claims we incur. So how do we best determine which...