by CDA Inc | Aug 4, 2015 | Individual
Unless we have some inside connection to a family that lives with an individual who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis we are blissfully unaware of the costs of the care required. Since there has been a continued upsurge in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum...
by CDA Inc | Jul 31, 2015 | Individual
My love affair with boats began when I was very young. We’d go down to the local pond and build rafts with whatever would float. Our raft-building skills were limited though, so our crafts wouldn’t stay together much longer than it took to pole out to the middle of...
by CDA Inc | Jul 30, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
I just received the results of my latest blood test and was told that it is time to up the dosage on one of my medications. My first reaction was regret that I had not been able to keep my numbers in the range where they needed to be. My second reaction was...
by CDA Inc | Jul 28, 2015 | Insurance, Risk Management
It happened again today. We received a call from a young man who found out his insurance has been cancelled. He is a dependent who aged out of his parents’ insurance contract and the insurance company made no effort to notify him or his family. We may be lucky and...
by CDA Inc | Jul 23, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Focus has shifted from “quality” coverage to “affordable” coverage and the definition of each is very fluid. To some, quality means low copays, to others it means inclusion of all of their prescriptions, and to others it means inclusion of all of their providers....