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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

I Will Just Work a Bit Longer……

Many of us recognize that we will be a bit short of money when we would normally stop working, so we prepare for our “final careers”. Rather than addressing our lack of preparation now we believe that a few more years in the workforce later will bail us out. If we can...

Employees and Medicare

When we reach age 65 almost all of us qualify for Medicare coverage. Which parts, if any, we need to enroll in depends on our employment status. Those of us who are covered on plans with companies which have at least 20 employees are not as pressed to enroll in the...

I Can’t Find A Doctor Who Will See Me!

We have received phone calls from many individuals who signed up for health insurance through the Marketplace without a broker and are now struggling to find participating providers. Their key question: shouldn’t every provider who participates in a particular network...

VERY Last Call

There was a time when the people of the land of US were able to sign up for health insurance any time the mood struck them. There was no requirement to buy insurance, but as prices of healthcare increased dramatically year after year, those who were tuned in...