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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net


Open enrollment: our annual pilgrimage into our personal healthcare analysis. Whether under age 65 or over this is a time that we should all review our recent medical care usage and forecast upcoming expenses as best we can. Many of us have options between high...

Plan Decisions

Very soon many of us will face open enrollment for our health insurance benefits. Plan decisions need to be taken seriously as we risk not only dollars we pay into premiums, but also dollars we pay as our share of the claims we incur. So how do we best determine which...

Better Luck Next Time

My bait guy is king of the tall tale. Not that he makes them up. He just passes them along from other fishermen. I was in his shop the other day picking up my usual two dozen blueback herring for a little striper fishing. We were discussing whether the rain would hold...

Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile

As automobile options have changed over the years, so have options for medical treatment. Conditions that required invasive surgery in the past are now handled on an outpatient basis with minimal recovery time. Cures that were inconceivable a few decades ago are...