by CDA Inc | Aug 18, 2015 | Long Term Care, Risk Management
As luck would have it, my wonderful trip to New York delivered me with the creeping crud which we all suffered so much when we lived there. Ice cold plane rides up and back, freezing conference rooms where even the men were commenting on the chill and a hotel room set...
by CDA Inc | Aug 13, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Who knew that turning 26 and turning 65 were such important milestones??? What do these ages have in common? When we reach them we are supposed to know that we are facing a major transition in our health insurance! When we turn 26 we are automatically removed from our...
by CDA Inc | Aug 11, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
We are approaching Medicare open enrollment and I thought it might be interesting to share a few of the comments I have heard this year. Check your answers against mine: My Medicare card will appear in the mail when I am eligible to enroll: NOT NECESSARILY. If you are...
by CDA Inc | Jul 30, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
I just received the results of my latest blood test and was told that it is time to up the dosage on one of my medications. My first reaction was regret that I had not been able to keep my numbers in the range where they needed to be. My second reaction was...
by CDA Inc | Jul 23, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Focus has shifted from “quality” coverage to “affordable” coverage and the definition of each is very fluid. To some, quality means low copays, to others it means inclusion of all of their prescriptions, and to others it means inclusion of all of their providers....
by CDA Inc | Jul 16, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Today is the first in a series of employee enrollment meetings for the client I described in my Case Study article. Premiums have gone way up, benefits have come way down and the employees face a difficult year of healthcare expenses. Fortunately, we were able to put...