by CDA Inc | Jul 14, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
I was driving back into Atlanta on a recent scorching summer day when a story came on about last winter’s snow disaster in Boston. Suddenly, I felt about 10 degrees cooler and listened attentively to a story about a group of people who are being placed into local...
by CDA Inc | Jul 9, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Business has improved, but what can an employer do when their health insurance premiums go up over 45% at renewal on a budget that already exceeded $300,000 per year? One of our clients recently received their first renewal since the implementation of the Affordable...
by CDA Inc | Jul 7, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Even with the holiday weekend, it was hard to miss all the news in the world of health insurance. The Aetna / Humana purchase was announced when most of us were taking a break from business, but it caught our attention all the same. This combination follows the Anthem...
by CDA Inc | Jun 30, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Last week was another busy news week with escaped fugitives, ongoing financial trauma in Greece, voting on gay marriage and, oh yes, the Affordable Care Act was once again determined to be legal. What does this mean for all of us who are purchasers of health insurance...
by CDA Inc | Jun 25, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
The cost of healthcare continues to increase unchecked. The result is that premiums go up each year and our response is to reduce benefits. Deductibles have gone beyond the reach of many insureds who will experience financial disaster long before they reach these...
by CDA Inc | Jun 23, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
First: The Price of Admission. Whether it is the whole cost of the visit or just the copay amount, dollars leave our wallets. Second: TIME. Travelling to the office, waiting our turn and then time travelling back. Most of this time must be committed during work hours...