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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Call Your Broker

Open enrollment for individuals and families who buy their own health insurance begins on Sunday, November 1. That is the day that we will all be told which carriers will be providing plans in our area, what the plan designs will look like and what the premiums will...

Virtual Health Care

Many of us drag ourselves to our physicians’ offices when we are so dizzy and queasy that we have no business driving a car. How would we feel if we could call a doctor about our cold and flu symptoms, that nagging cough or the rash we just discovered rather than...

The Career Train

Imagine each of our careers as a long train ride. We get on at the start of our work life and ride until it is time to get off. But when and where will that be? As we ride along we notice that some people get off our train at various stations and switch to other...

Halloween Preparation

In a few short weeks our annual candy holiday will hit again. Our house has already gone through several bags of Halloween sweets as we prepare to share what is left with the costumed children who will come to our door. I guess my husband is checking for poison,...