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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Compliance Is Not An “Option”

Now that we know that there will not be a swift dismantling of the Affordable Care Act I believe it is time to address the compliance issues currently facing all employers who offer benefits to their employees. The DOL is rumored to have plans to conduct more ERISA...

ACA Light

Currently not all employers can afford to provide health insurance to their employees and not all employees can afford to pay their share of the premium for coverage when it is offered. Add to that the following: some employees qualify for individual health insurance...

The Lull Before The Storm

  We have received many questions about the changes that will occur in health insurance coverage with the change in the Administration.  People are most afraid of pre-existing conditions clauses re-applying and they are trying to make the best decisions possible...

Employee Benefits ~ What Stage is Your Business?

In order for employee benefit programs to be well received they need to be developed with the interests of the employees in mind while meeting the objectives of the firm’s management. Young firms often implement benefits with the intent of attracting employees who are...