by CDA Inc | Jan 12, 2016 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
We continue to be asked if an H.S.A. eligible health insurance plan is good decision even after people have made their plan elections for the year. This seems to be a question that needs a moment of attention. There are certain high deductible health plans which...
by CDA Inc | Jan 8, 2016 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
For those who enrolled on the Marketplace for health insurance and who received a subsidy, please look over the list below. 1- Those individuals who have health insurance available through an employer are not eligible for a subsidy. Whether the employer...
by CDA Inc | Jan 5, 2016 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
I continue to be surprised at the phone calls from individuals now that the initial open enrollment has finished for those who need to enroll for their 2016 health insurance. As much media attention as the enrollment process has received there are still many who are...
by CDA Inc | Dec 10, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
We have had many conversations since November 1 helping individuals compare health insurance plans as part of the annual Open Enrollment period. Questions have come up particularly about how routine services are covered. Benefits can vary somewhat from carrier to...
by CDA Inc | Dec 8, 2015 | Insurance, Long Term Care, Risk Management
Many of us are not part of the Medicare open enrollment or the Affordable Care Act individual open enrollment. This does not mean that we do not have year-end considerations of our own. First, if we are participants in a Flexible Spending Account we have money that we...