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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Where Are We Going And What Can We Do?

Our health insurance premiums increase every year and the only recourse we seem to have is to increase our deductibles and dilute our benefits.  We have clients whose health insurance premiums are now larger than their mortgages.  Does anyone know where this is all...


The last quarter of each year is the busiest time in our industry and in my life. Open enrollments for two blocks of clients and renewals for several dozen groups keep us at our desks for long hours. It is easy to stress eat, not drink enough water and generally not...

Halloween Preparation

In a few short weeks our annual candy holiday will hit again. Our house has already gone through several bags of Halloween sweets as we prepare to share what is left with the costumed children who will come to our door. I guess my husband is checking for poison,...

I’ll Do It Later (not)

Ask my lovely wife if I’m a procrastinator and she’ll answer without hesitation, “Of course. He’s a big fat one!” She’s been asking me to fix a frozen faucet in one of our bathrooms for over a year. She took over the family bill paying because the late fees got out of...