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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Help Others, Help Yourself

From Gary the Fishing Guy……. I’m frequently amazed at my wife’s energy. I don’t mean just the day-to-day challenges of running an insurance agency, if that weren’t enough, but also her involvement in countless charitable activities. I can’t get into...

French Ingenuity

University Students In France Are Moving In With Senior Citizens! This headline made the news recently and it prompted me to wonder if any movement like this is occurring in the United States. All societies are facing the increasing costs of care for the aging. I...


It is not uncommon for many of us to put in 10 hour work days regularly, and more during our busy seasons. At the end of the day all we want to do is to lie down on the couch in front of the television and not move until we crawl up the stairs to our beds. We have...

It Happened Again!!!

We just received an email from a client asking why so much of her dental bill was not covered. She stated that she had asked if the provider “took her insurance” and was assured that yes, indeed they did. Imagine her surprise when her portion of the bill was well over...