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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Marketplace Update

Now that we are in our third year of the Affordable Care Act many of us have prepared ourselves for the ongoing nightmare of working with our clients to qualify for Marketplace subsidies. The last two years have been marked with website crashes when we tried to enroll...


The last quarter of each year is the busiest time in our industry and in my life. Open enrollments for two blocks of clients and renewals for several dozen groups keep us at our desks for long hours. It is easy to stress eat, not drink enough water and generally not...

Call Your Broker

Open enrollment for individuals and families who buy their own health insurance begins on Sunday, November 1. That is the day that we will all be told which carriers will be providing plans in our area, what the plan designs will look like and what the premiums will...

Virtual Health Care

Many of us drag ourselves to our physicians’ offices when we are so dizzy and queasy that we have no business driving a car. How would we feel if we could call a doctor about our cold and flu symptoms, that nagging cough or the rash we just discovered rather than...