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770-449-7369 / Fax: 770-449-1093 info@cdainc.net

Are you prepared for the unexpected?

Many years ago I recall reading a very “spot on” print ad showing two wealthy old codgers on safari. You could almost hear the heavy British accent as one asked the other, “Say old chap, who handles your life insurance?” all as his companion was about to be mauled by...

Individual Health Insurance Update

One year into the Affordable Care Act we ALL face the open enrollment period for 2015. The time during which changes can be made with a January 1 effective date is 11/15/2014 – 12/15/2014. This is important since MANY plans will automatically terminate on...

2014 Medical Insurance: Money-Saving Tips

There is a lot changing in the health insurance industry, and not being aware will hit your wallet.Here are some reminders and hints that you might find useful : Always check to be sure your providers participate in your plan’s network. Preauthorize anything...

Affordable Care Act : Interview for employers

Q:  Erica, can you give us a little background on yourself and your firm? A:  We actually started our agency in New York in 1975, went to New Hampshire for a few years, and then relocated to Georgia in 1981.  Our focus the last 38 years has been predominately health...

Affordable Care Act : 5 ~ Early Renewal Options

As we approach the January 1 requirement for health insurance plans to comply with the new Affordable Care Act guidelines we are looking very closely at options available to our clients.  New plan designs are not clear yet, networks are difficult to access and drug...

Affordable Care Act : 2 ~ What is Changing in 2014

January 1, 2014 marks the start of the changes that will impact health insurance for individuals and families who access their coverage either through individual contracts or through fully insured coverage provided by employers of 50 or less employees.  Following are...

Affordable Care Act : 1 ~ Introduction

This is the first in a series of articles designed to share information about the Affordable Care Act as it goes through its next phase of implementation. Our intention is to provide details as they are released about issues that will affect the health insurance...